The Power of Playing with Boxes

A cardboard box is a simple, yet powerful play choice when it comes to fostering imaginative play. The box can transform into different settings and scenarios depending on the child’s creativity and interests on the day. Whether it be a spaceship, base, office, shop, garage, tent, library, or cozy home for a family of stuffed … Read more

Tips for Starting School 

Starting school is such an exciting and important milestone for a child and their family. Change will be a big part of this transition with new people, places, experiences and feelings. There are many ways to build a child’s familiarity with the changes and support a confident transition to ‘big school’.  Help your child to … Read more

Failing can be learning and helps build resilience

Protecting children from failing and going above and beyond in some cases to ensure a child’s success is often thought to be in the best interests of the child, ensuring their self-esteem and confidence remain intact. However, experiencing failure actually prepares children for life. ‘Having a go’ and learning through trial and error encourages persistence … Read more