A cardboard box is a simple, yet powerful play choice when it comes to fostering imaginative play. The box can transform into different settings and scenarios depending on the child’s creativity and interests on the day. Whether it be a spaceship, base, office, shop, garage, tent, library, or cozy home for a family of stuffed animals, the possibilities are endless.
Imaginative play is a child’s way of making sense of their world. Role-play games based on a child’s experience or what they see in a book or show, give children a chance to explore that context and develop understanding and relevant language and actions. These open-ended play activities encourage creativity as well as promote skills like problem-solving, communication, and social interaction.
Some children will be more imaginative than others, and often an adult may need to lead or initiate the play by modelling what to say and do. We know young children are great at copying, so once the child is engaged, it won’t be long before they take the lead and apply their own thinking and independent ideas.
Engaging activities for children at home, both inside and out, is a Triple P Top 10 Tip for parents. When a child is involved in interesting play, they are less likely to be bored, or make less positive play choices, so before you recycle that cardboard box… think about how it could be used in your child’s play.