Welcome to Pathways for Parents

Are you looking for some new parenting tips to add to your tool box?

Have you tried everything to get your child to behave but still not having success?

Are you keen to learn how to help your child with their emotions?

Are you concerned about your child’s ability to ‘bounce back’ and looking for ways to help?

Do you think about your child starting school and wonder if they will be ready?

If you have questions like these, you might like to work with Chris Curtain, owner of Pathways for Parents.

About Chris

Chris holds a Masters in Education and has an extensive career working as a teacher, leader and advisor in early childhood and primary school settings, both in Queensland and overseas.

Knowledge, first-hand experience and further training as a Triple P Primary Care Facilitator and Coach enable Chris to support families and children in school and pre-school settings.

Spending time getting to know the family context is key to Chris’ approach, followed by coaching and collaboration with parents on ways to support an area of their child’s development.  

Chris also works with neurodiverse children and families to provide support and adaptations that affirm and respect individual differences. 

Pathways for Parents offers customised support for families with children under twelve years of age. 

Chris also supports Early Learning Centres and Kindergartens across the Sunshine Coast by creating and delivering practical parent information sessions on a range of topics.