Failing can be learning and helps build resilience

Protecting children from failing and going above and beyond in some cases to ensure a child’s success is often thought to be in the best interests of the child, ensuring their self-esteem and confidence remain intact. 

However, experiencing failure actually prepares children for life. ‘Having a go’ and learning through trial and error encourages persistence and a ‘can do’ attitude, which will support children to have the confidence to attempt new experiences and the positive mindset to deal with setbacks and challenges. 

Knowing it is OK to make a mistake and that mistakes lead to learning, can support a positive attitude to learning and self-belief. Dr Michael Bernard (author of the ‘You Can Do It’ program) found that this mindset of self-acceptance, along with taking risks, contributes to building confidence in children. 

Life is full of challenges. Coping with problems is part of everyday life for both ourselves and our children. Exposing our kids to ‘manageable stress’ in order to build coping skills is an idea promoted by Be You. This could be as simple as a child packing their own bag for school, or getting dressed independently. 

Allowing children to take a small but healthy risk, or experiencing ‘manageable stress’:

  • Lets a child demonstrate their independence and eventual success
  • Supports the child in believing they are capable
  • Builds confidence and coping skills to use in their day-to-day lives. 

‘Failure’ is an opportunity for learning:

  • It teaches them that things don’t always go their way 
  • Things are not always perfect.

Developing a growth mindset and positive attitude to learning and life grows adults with great mental health and wellbeing with the resilience needed to cope. 


Look at what Orville and Wilbur Wright achieved as they worked to overcome the many setbacks that resulted in new learning and finally succeeding to create the first powered flight. 


Whether it be the monkey bars, the homework, the challenge of making their own bed or packing their lunch box, the responsibility of walking into the classroom independently or giving the teacher a message…what personal challenge or healthy risk will you let your child experience this week? 

The outcome will be worth it as we work together to grow a mentally healthy generation. 

Have any questions?

Have questions about the content of this blog post or need further insights? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Chris! Your curiosity and feedback are always welcome.